Rablà-Rabland - Val Venosta - Bolzano-Bozen




ùAn episode of 39'
Betacam SP


The Via Claudia Augusta Altinate is the Roman road from Drusus, the adopted son of Augustus, built in 15 BC and his son, the Emperor Claudius in 47 AD made it ​​ready.

Starts in Altino Altinum, near Venice, goes beyond the Alps (Resia and remote past) and comes in Augsburg, Augsburg Vindelicorum in Germany, after 350 Roman miles (520 km).

As we see from Major milestone of cesium, connecting the Adriatic with the Danube route.

To be precise, they reached the town of Donauwörth, 40 km to Augsburg.

The Claudia Augusta, which is through the Veneto, Trentino, South Tyrol, the Austrian Tyrol, and ends in the German region of Bavaria, a European ideal bridge, on both sides of the Alps, between languages ​​and cultures.


Treviso - Italia

Many sections are still visible and viable, while others have highways or even railroad tracks, many bridges are accessible and used for walkways and bicycle paths.

The route is marked in some regions of Italy and in many parts of the Austrian Tyrol, but in Bavaria, the Claudia Augusta is experiencing a revival, with the creation of a bike path about 160 km long, drawn perfectly, with lots of descriptive arrows, plates of tourist information and even smilestones.

The road is the desirable goal of a quality cultural tourism, thanks to the great charm of the zones crossed, not usually a target of mass tourism.

The film explores encourage these aspects in the presentation of the "mirabilia" natural, artistic, architectural and cultural conditions that are encountered along the way or in the immediate vicinity of the observer to 2,000 years of history to travel.




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Donauwörth - Deutschland




Nauders - Austria


Val Venosta - Italia


Bolzano-Bozen - Italia


Latini - Trento - Italia


Valsugana - Trento - Italia

Cesiomaggiore- Belluno - Italia


Castello di Roncade - Treviso - Italia


Valsugana - Trento - Italia


Feltre - Belluno - Italia

Foto scattate da Tiziano Biasioli - Copyright 2011
vietata la riproduzione - tutti i diritti riservati


Documentary Films made by Belle Époque Film - Biasioli Film



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